Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Well things did not go well today. They are unable to do anything to help Jan. The disease is too progressed to qualify for other treatment.

We are leaving in the morning to go to Ann Arbor to begin palliative chemo/radiation treatments.

Very sad day for us we had put alot of hope into this working. We are sort of in shock right now and not looking forward to the drive home. We will be on a tight schedule going back to get started asap. The sooner they start the higher the prognosis of time.

Talk to you soon


  1. Have strength my friend. We never know how strong we are or can be until we are presented with,what appears to be, an impossible task. You are accompanied by the prayers of many, and just as much love. Place your trust in God, and His wish will be granted. You know, all you have to do is ask, and many will strive to make it so. Love, Camille

  2. Hi Maggie and Jan,
    I have been following your journey and praying for you both. Thank you for keeping us up on everything.
